Bainfield Gardens provides healing environment

14 January, 2020

Bainfield Gardens Ltd general manager Karen Kirk and day manager Kirk Lawrence with their recently-acquired community van. Photo: Supplied


About the community group/organisation/individual

Run by the Invercargill Christian Centre for 20 years, Bainfield Gardens Ltd provides the opportunity for people struggling with various types of mental illness to come and learn a number of skills, predominantly gardening, in a healing environment.


What the grant went towards

Bainfield Gardens Ltd received $20,000 from the ILT Foundation towards the purchase of a new van  to pick up and drop off their clients.


What the grant means to the community group/organisation

“For our organisation to have access to the public money the ILT Foundation provides is totally immeasurable,” Bainfield Gardens Ltd general manager Karen Kirk said.

“The cost of vehicles is out of our capabilities, and we simply would not be able to function as well as we do without that financial boost.

“The van we were able to purchase with the help of ILT Foundation funding is an integral part of our operation. Our [clients], for the most part, don’t have their own transport and so we are therefore able to pick them up and drop them back home.”