Invercargill set to Rock ‘n’ Roll
23 January, 2019
About the organisation
Invercargill Rock ‘n’ Roll Club has about 200 members, 140 of which are junior members, making it the club with the largest junior membership in New Zealand.
The club was established in 1985 with the aim to encourage the enjoyment of rock ‘n’ roll music and dancing and to keep the era of the 1950’s alive.
Throughout the year, the club runs lessons from beginners to advanced levels for people of all ages, social dances, demonstrations and competitions..
What the grant went towards
The Invercargill Rock ‘n’ Roll Club received grants of $6000 and $8965 from the ILT Foundation and Invercargill Licensing Trust respectively towards hosting the New Zealand Amateur Rock ’n’ Roll Association’s 2019 junior national competition in April. The funds will assist with venue and sound system hire costs.
The competition is expected to attract about 100 dancers from throughout New Zealand.
The last time the Invercargill club hosted the event was in 2012.
What the grant means to the organisation/community group
“It means we can run the event and train the kids to attend the nationals without having to worry about raising the funds,” organising committee chairwoman Nicky Phillipson said.
“The opportunity to compete in the nationals and not have to travel is awesome,” coach Susan Rogers said.